Nordic term base
Here you will find information about words and terms that is often used by important community area. It can also be at help if you should work or study in another nordic country.
Here you will find information about words and terms that is often used by important community area. It can also be at help if you should work or study in another nordic country.
As a common rule, you can not get unemployment benefit if your are a student. But there is some exceptions. If you wish to keep your unemployment benefit while you are a student, you have to apply for it. Read more about unemployment benefit and education on
What are you interested in? Use these aptitude and interest tests to find out more about which jobs or studies that may suit you. (In Norwegian only)
Here you can apply for admission and education in the Norwegian Armed Forces and get an overview of admission requirements and application deadlines.
The Norwegian Universities and Colleges Admission Service (NUCAS) also known as Samordna opptak, coordinates the admission to ordinary undergraduate study programmes at all universities, university colleges, and some private university colleges in Norway.
Info Norden is the Nordic Council of Ministers' information service for persons moving, working and studiing in the Nordic region.
Are you thinking of applying to a university in the EU? Keep in mind that you have the right to study under the same conditions as nationals of your host country. Learn more on Your Europe.
The digital collection of the National Library of Norway consists of digitized, Norwegian cultural heritage to be preserved and made available for documentation, research and use in a thousand-year perspective. The service has also been known as Bokhylla (The Bookshelf), but is growing continuously, both in volume and in available content types.
If you are planning to move to another EU country to study, you must have sufficient income to live there without needing income support. You will have the same right to work while studying as nationals of that country.
Here you can apply for recognition of higher education, tertiary vocational education, vocational education and training or teacher qualifications – school and kindergarten.