Change of name
You can change your first name, middle name and last name. Note that the middle name is not a first name. Names which can be used as a surname, may also be taken as a middle name.
You can change your first name, middle name and last name. Note that the middle name is not a first name. Names which can be used as a surname, may also be taken as a middle name.
If you are a father or co-mother and share custody with the mother, you must approve the name choice mother has reported. You do this online.
When the Tax Administration has sent you a request to select a name for your baby, you can report it online. This only applies to first-time name choice.
A confirmation of parental responsibility shows the parental responsibility that's registered for a child. You may need a confirmation for application processes, for example a bank or insurance company.
If you are at risk of dropping out of working life or want to get a job, NAV can consider several measures and instruments. (In Norwegian only)
On reaching 18 years of age, adopted children are entitled to be supplied with information about their biological parents. This information will be supplied by the County Governor for the county where the adoption was originally approved, provided that approval was granted before 1 January 1999. Information about adoptions approved after this date is supplied by the Directorate for Children, Youth and Family Affairs (Bufdir).
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.
Children can attend leisure activities organised before and after school hours. Apply online.