New in Norway

Immigrants have rights and duties which require them to know about Norwegian society and communicate with public authorities in Norway. As newcomers, it is not always easy to track down relevant information. Below are some links to immigration-related web sites and digital services.

New in Norway from Ukraine

Find information from the norwegian government that can help you in your new situation in Norway. The information is adapted to you as an adult who has applied or is applying for protection as a consequence of the ukrainian war. Go to the website New in Norway.

Work in Norway

The website Work in Norway is aimed at migrant workers and businesses in Norway. It includes advice and links to relevant services from several public agencies, for example the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration, the Norwegian Tax Administration, the Directorate of Immigration, the Norwegian Labour Inspection Authority and the Norwegian Police.

Study in Norway

The website Study in Norway contains lots of useful information for foreign students wishing to study in Norway.

Visit Norway

Visit Norway is a website designed for tourists planning a trip to Norway. It has information and links to help you plan where to go, how to travel, where to stay and what to do. 

New in Norway

Directorate of Integration and Diversity

As newcomers, it is not always easy to track down relevant information. The website of The Directorate of Integration and Diversity includes information about rights and duties, and give you advice that can be of help.

Information about the crisis in Ukraine

Norwegian Directorate of Immigration

You can find information about protection and residence permit to be in Norway, or if you will travel to Norway. The information for local and sentral government is also available here.

Applications to the Directorate of Immigration

Norwegian Directorate of Immigration

Create a user account and register your application online for a Norwegian: - visa - residence permit (work, studies and family immigration) - permanent residence permit - citizenship - travel documents.

The Norwegian National Register of Interpreters - Nasjonalt tolkeregister

Directorate of Integration and Diversity

Here you can find the translators with expertise in interpretation between Norwegian and other languages​​. The register’s primary target groups are public servants and professionals in need of interpreters, but everyone in need of interpreting services may use the register.

Norwegian Labour and Welfare Service (NAV) is a guide for job seekers from the Nordic countries, as well as countries within and outside the EU/EEA area, who want to work in Norway. The website also provides advice for Norwegian employers wishing to recruit foreign workers.

Report a move to Norway from abroad

Norwegian Tax Administration

If you plan to live in Norway for more than 6 months, you must report your relocation to Norway no later than 8 days after your arrival.

New mail recipient

Posten Norge AS

Have you recently moved to Norway? Notify the Post to ensure that your mail is correctly delivered to you. 

Service Centre for Foreign Workers

Norwegian Tax Administration

The Service Centre for Foreign Workers (SUA) is a centre where the Labour Inspection Authority (Arbeidstilsynet), the Police (politiet), the Tax Administration (skatteetaten) and the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration (UDI) work together towards foreigners arriving to Norway for employment purposes, with the aim of providing them appropriate guidance and a shortening of the time used for processing their applications. You will find information in Norwegian, English, Lithuanian, Polish and Russian.  

MinID-account - how to create and use

Norwegian Tax Administration

This information is for you who have created a MinID account at the tax office, and have registered by mobile phone. The advantages for you as an employee is among others that you can order your tax deduction card and receive your tax return online.